Goodbye Mum

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Goodbye Mum

The Blog

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On 16th July 2020, I had both the honour and privilege to be present when my dear mum passed away and transitioned beyond this earthly reality.

Aged 90 and with ease and peace, she left her incarnated form.

I stepped into a new reality no longer having her present in physical form.

My ego/mind’s first strategy was disbelief. I would observe myself shaking my head to “snap out” of this new reality, this unknown.

How the ego/mind fought to hold on to safety and security and to the known!

Yet, in the unknown comes all possibility. I let go to the myriad of feelings and emotions washing over me like a stormy wave coming to shore

The turbulence could throw me off balance, yet with no resistance, it became a dance with life.

I am still dancing and can now also see that my feet are on the ground.

I can feel and observe myself getting my bearings again.

A space has been created; a space unwelcomed yet “is”.

In this moment that space remains filled with the contents of that stormy wave, yet I can foresee a clearing up ahead.

How will my life be different? What am I choosing my life to be now?

For now, my awareness reassures me to continue to be, to breathe, to remain in gratitude, to honour what is and to stay in question within the unknown from which all arises.

Thank you dear mum

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