27 Oct Sharing Story
Sharing story can be referenced from our history as a means of not only passing on wisdom, knowledge and experience, it acknowledged our uniqueness and our common unity. It facilitated the gathering and celebrating of community, including the elders, the children, the hunters, the gatherers. It is a practice that is innate in us.
The energy is pure, its vibration high. There is a balance of heart and Soul using mind as a tool.
As the misidentifications of grasping grew, we began to lose not only the purity of sharing story, and all its contributions to us, but also the contribution of communing together (our common unity, our community).
While the contribution of bearing witness to story remains, the valuing of identifications and the grasping of those identifications shifted the focus from the experience of acknowledgment and bearing witness to the valuing of the facts and figures of story. Point scoring systems were, and continue to be, installed within our societies to reap those facts and figures. For example, how much money you make, what car you drive, where you live, went to school, have dinner, where you holiday, who your friends are, etc. etc.
This created a system of expectation that if the facts and figures are grasped and/or achieved, it would guarantee the goal which in theory equates to happiness. “Having” does not guarantee happiness. The truth is, it is a lie. It is not the facts and figures that creates any level of response on the polarised spectrum of this reality, it is how we experience it.
For example, having money can equally be experienced as providing happy experiences or miserable ones or anything in between on the spectrum of the polarised reality it exists within. Additionally, not having money can produce happy experiences or miserable ones or anything in between on the spectrum of the polarised reality it exists within.
How you experience your story is more truly your story. Even if the world, including family, friends, community, your society or the society of others, judge you right or wrong or even insane, it is your experience, and no-one can invalidate that. They may try to invalidate that by, for instance, saying you are wrong for experiencing your story the way you did. It is up to you if you choose to adopt that judgement as real or, at a minimum, as an imposed judgement. It will change what you “think” is your experience if you adopt something outside of you as real. It is your choice, no-one outside of you can “make you” change your experience.
Let us bring the focus back to how we experience our own story and also the story of others both at the micro and the macro level.
Owning your story as how you experience it begins the process of self-assurance in the ego/mind self that invites the dropping of identification with your story. Make no excuses or justifications for how you experience your story. Do not defend your position yet know also that Who You really Are is not your story or your positions. When you no longer seek the approval of others in acknowledging your story, you are freed from the need to identify with your story. You are freed from the pride, the significance and the necessity of belonging.
The self-assurance of being you at the level of story is a tremendous contribution to transmuting what cloaks Who You really Are from being in the world.
How you experience your story is dependent on your perspective in any moment. Your perspective is the sum total of all the conscious and sub-conscious content of your ego/mind and of which you are cloaked as you live your incarnation.
We may share common perspectives with others regarding aspects of the content, yet we would each have unique experiences of those. Some may deny any uniqueness in an attempt to belong. Looking the same as a group you want to belong to is an example of this.
As you let go of your story needing to stay static (for fear of losing your identity), your perspective changes.
As your perspective changes, how you experience your story will also change. This relates also to past experiences in your life. It doesn’t make your previous experience wrong or mistaken (you “took it” as you experienced it), it makes it different. You are experiencing it from a different perspective so what you experience is different. Let me illustrate with the diagram below: an event remains the same facts and figures, in this instance a chair in the centre of a circle of observers. Your perspective is true to you. When you change your perspective how you experience the chair changes. It doesn’t make the previous experience from a different perspective wrong, the experience is different.
Even when we are facilitated by someone else regarding some experience that occurred in your past, often shedding a different light on the experience will change your perspective and the event will never be experienced the same. Ultimately, the target is to flat-line the charge on the experience to a level of merely observing the unfolding of the event.
Bearing witness to another’s story can be a means by which your perspective changes. If you have a strong foundation (I’ll do another article on foundations) your heart may open when experiencing the story of another. This contributes greatly to the transmuting of your ego/mind content. What cloaks You from showing up in the world has dropped some of its charge.
If foundations are weak or unstable, you may feel threatened by the story of others and may choose to detach from that story and adopt an “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” approach so that your life is not impacted.
This is particularly easy to do when there is a geographic distance with that story from your life or you do not identify with the content of that story. That is, the identifications grasped by those in that story do not match and are dissimilar to what you have grasped as your identifications. Religious and cultural diversity is a clear example.
The target for all of us is to not only be in total allowance of our story but also the story of every single one of us. When we are in allowance, we receive it all and there is a beautiful inclusivity experienced beyond embracing diversity.
Once able to receive all, the ego/mind would no longer resist and react to information from the heart and may even be in allowance of receiving awareness, the language of our souls.
Functioning from the awareness of the soul as an “Isness” is the first stage of enlightenment. The ego/mind is no longer “captain of the ship”. Your knowing, no longer a function of the dualistic reality of story, guides and informs You Being in the world yet not of the world.
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